Wednesday, October 30, 2019

John Updike A&P Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

John Updike A&P - Essay Example Within the play the role of Sammy has been on the sidelines of being a conformist. Inevitable to state here that this nineteen-year-old cashier at A&P does not believe in playing around with his point of view and focuses on what is the right thing. More than that, he is proud to say what he sees and then judge in the light of the same which definitely distinguishes him from the rest of the lot in our society. (Saldivar, 1997) He is a non-conformist to start with and he is one that is not really appreciated by the society norms and customs that are so very religiously followed in the present times. The writer has made Sammy the main character in the play whereby he has written of him from the first person’s perspective. This essentially has made his character look a bit highlighted and one that could be seen as the main one during the course of the whole saga. Add to that, the tone with which the writer has penned down the same has been certainly set by Sammy’s rigid and stern attitude which can be rightly remarked as being nonchalant as well as frank as Sammy does clear the air when a question is raised on his calling the things as he sees them and quite rightly so he comes out as clean as a whistle. His wits are a mode of cynicism and this is an added facet when one speaks highly of the frank and vivid attitude related with the young man. (Lewis, 2003) Add to that, he has turned out to be pretty crude at times during the story which meshes along quite nicely with his attitude and ways that he has so very easily been showing. Another aspect that gives evidence t o his non-conformist ways and attitude is that he loves to be taken as an adult by all and sundry and would really mind if someone, out of the blue, starts calling him like a kid as he is of the perception that he possesses wisdom par with no one and his thoughts and feelings have a deep embedded meaning that is not easily comprehensible by people of his age, let alone the ones

Monday, October 28, 2019

Le Petit Chef Essay Example for Free

Le Petit Chef Essay I believe she should take on the projects that have visible differentiation and also take on the high-end microwave oven with the fuzzy intelligence. It is apparent the competing companies are utilizing technologies that are cheaper and are still maintaining their success. Le Petit Chef products are perceived as quality products, which is something that the executives know and something their current customers know. Despite the company’s low returns, I still believe Gagne should go forward with the new high-end microwave oven because it will enhance the ease of use with minimal incremental costs. This microwave oven can also solve the problem with the variation in food quality, which should entice Gagne to go forward with the project. As far as other projects, they need to develop other projects that are all different from each other, which are visible to the retailer and potential customer. As far as handling the executive meeting, Gagne needs to tell them that she is scrapping those several projects in order to free up more funds, allowing more money to be used in other projects and enabling them to differentiate their line. Le Petit Chef’s poor performance can be attributed to a few things. The competition of the other companies developing products that directly competes with them such as Electrolux and Bosch-Siemens. Both companies have developed low-end microwave ovens that are seemingly very attractive to potential customer because of their brand recognition and the price of the products. Another explanation for their poor performance is the company’s lack to differentiate their lines. It is important to have visible differentiation for products so the retailer sees the difference of their products. If a product has a lack of visible differentiation, the retailer and potential client will question what is different with the product and why it is more expensive than the previous model. In order for the company to remedy the situation I feel they need to implement the 18-month project for their high-end microwave oven with fuzzy intelligence technology and further advertise and market the glitches that have been fixed. Further, they need to develop differentiated products in order to promote to their retailers and potential clients of their differences.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Ethics of Violence in Computer Games :: Technology Essays

The Ethics of Violence in Computer Games Violence in video games was never a hot topic until April 20th, 1999. After the Columbine High School shooting rocked the nation with its unbelievable random brutality, a shocked nation searched for answers. There must have been some reason for Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold’s bloody rampage. The nation needed a scapegoat for this horrible event, something to take the blame. A lot of the blame landed on the media, the music industry, and violent video games. The debate over how video games influence kids still continues. There are many opinions on how harmful or harmless video games really are. Recently, many legislators seem to have decided that video games are, in fact, very harmful to kids. Legislation is currently being created to restrict and censor violent video games. Traditionally, parents have been the ones responsible and in control of what their children were exposed to on the computer. Now legislators want to govern what kids are exposed to rather than trust this jo b to the parents. This is a departure from how other forms of media are governed. Kids are legally allowed to buy any kind of music regardless of parental advisories and to view any kind of violence on TV. It is the parents’ job to determine if their kids are allowed to listen to that music or watch that TV. It should remain the same way with video games. It is unethical to take these choices out of the parents’ hands. It is the parents’ responsibility and right to raise their children how they see fit. However, the industry also has an important role to play. The music industry puts parental advisories on music content parents may find inappropriate and parents are informed of channel content when they sign up for cable. Likewise, the game industry needs to improve upon their methods of informing parents of the content in their games. Parents should be responsible for regulating the types of games their kids are exposed to, however, the video game industry has a responsibility to accurately and honestly communicate the level of violence depicted in their games. The effects of video games on kids is a relatively new topic of research. Initial studies have resulted in inconclusive and conflicting results. Most researchers have simply decided that video games should have the same negative effect on children as TV does, since the two mediums appear to be so similar.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Financial Crisis Is a Man Made Catastrophe

What is Financial Crisis? The term financial crisis is applied broadly to a variety of situations in which some financial institutions or assets suddenly lose a large part of their value. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many financial crises were associated with banking panics, and many recessions coincided with these panics. Other situations that are often called financial crises include stock market crashes and the bursting of other financial bubbles, currency crises, and sovereign defaults. Financial crises directly result in a loss of paper wealth; they do not directly result in changes in the real economy unless a recession or depression follows. TYPES Is financial crisis really a man-made disaster? Let’s take example of Late 2000’s financial crisis also known as Global Financial Crisis. The financial crisis was triggered by a complex interplay of valuation and liquidity problems in the United States banking system in 2008. The bursting of the U. S. housing bubble, which peaked in 2007, caused the values of securities tied to U. S. real estate pricing to plummet, damaging financial institutions globally. Questions regarding bank solvency, declines in credit availability and damaged investor confidence had an impact on global stock markets, where securities suffered large losses during 2008 and early 2009. Many causes for the financial crisis have been suggested, with varying weight assigned by experts. The United States Senate issued the Levin–Coburn Report, which found â€Å"that the crisis was not a natural disaster, but the result of high risk, complex financial products; undisclosed conflicts of interest; and the failure of regulators, the credit rating agencies, and the market itself to rein in the excesses of Wall Street. Causes of Financial Crisis Macroeconomic conditions: Low interest rates made bank lending more profitable, while trade deficits resulted in large capital inflows to the U. S. Both made funds for borrowing plentiful and relatively inexpensive. The U. S. housing bubble: The falling prices of houses and low interest rates to finance or refinance the house s were easily available. As such home loans were very easily available. But when time came to pay back the loan many defaulted which led to bursting of housing bubble and its impact led to financial crisis. Relaxation in rules led to large banks to increase their financial leverage and expansion of issuance of mortgage backed securities. Inaccurate credit ratings: Credit ratings were awarded inaccurately which led to an inflated balloon and when it busted it led to financial crisis. Technological factors: The cause of the crisis can be seen also in principles of technological development and in long economic waves based on technological revolutions. Crisis and stagnation were a result of the end of the long economic cycle originally initiated by the Information and telecommunications technological revolution in 1985-2000. The market had been already saturated by new â€Å"technical wonders† (e. g. everybody has his own mobile phone) and – what is more important – in the developed countries the economy reached limits of productivity in conditions of existing technologies. Boom and collapse of the shadow banking system (SBS): The shadow banking system is the collection of financial entities, infrastructure and practices which support financial transactions that occur beyond the reach of existing state sanctioned monitoring and regulation. The core activities of investment banks are subject to regulation and monitoring by central banks and other government institutions – but it has been common practice for investment banks to conduct many of their transactions in ways that don't show up on their conventional balance sheet accounting and so are not visible to regulators or unsophisticated investors. The shadow banking system saw a boom but once investors started losing interest and no more wanted their funds to be used in SBS and changes in business policies led to its collapse which ultimately led to financial crisis.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Critique on Rawls

Wealthy nations are morally obliged to assist poorer nations, with regards to assisting their economic development. I have come to this conclusion based on the ideals of American philosopher John Rawls. Distributive justice is Rawls’ theory that basically augments the equal distribution of goods throughout society.This philosophy relies on fluent interaction between nations, which is often complicated by the bias inherent in many national cultures.   Rawls argues that his Law of Peoples is the perfect solution for this gap in communication between nations.   I agree that his constitution is a start, but it lacks a clear understanding of how deeply intertwined terrorism is within the political structure of society.Skin color and religion should not be influential on the distribution of goods throughout the world, but the reality is that they are a major cause for social unrest.   This coincides with the theory of relative deprivation which acknowledges that there is a sen se of injustice aroused when individuals grow to believe that the conditions of their lives is not compatible with those of the people like them in similar situations.This feeling of disadvantage is thought to be the cause of social dissent and challenges posed to the status quo.   The most immediate circumstance that would drive a person or group to challenge their ruling system would be if their fundamental needs were not being met.   This is why distributive Justice is such an important, and much needed concept within society.The universal equality that can result from Rawls method and the statement it makes on political standards is credited by Michael Walzer as a Communitarian Critique on Liberalism.   Through what Walzer refers to as Spheres of Justice, he bridges many disagreements between liberals and communists, pointing out that the communist critique on liberal society will forever resurge throughout history.The core drive behind both Walzer and Rawls’ theori es is the immorality that stems from unequal and unjust disbursement of goods.   Though, their pursuit of equality is very valiant, there are some valid hurdles that threaten the adoption of Rawl’s theories into societyThere are many arguments that can be made for and against Rawls theory.   According to one of his positions, people have the right of self-defense but no right to instigate war for reasons other than self-defense (Rawl).   This can be seen as the specific policy applied to the U.S.’s initial declaration of war on Iraq.   After the attack in 9/11, The Law of Peoples enforces the grounds that the U.S. was morally ethical in their attempt for retaliation.But, now that this war has ended, many critics find it hard to justify the United State’s continual deployment overseas.   Rawl also states that, People have a duty to assist other peoples living under unfavorable conditions that prevent their having a just or decent political and social re gime.   This concept is easily contrasted by political theorists who argue that funding to uplift the dire conditions in Iraq are inadvertently funding further terrorism.The concept of the U.S. funding a country’s economic stability and then having it turn around and use that contribution against them is a tradition with international interactions.   It can be seen in the gradual change in Germany’s relationship with the United States.   This is just one of the major hurdles for Distributive justice and poses a political threat to the affectivity of what Rawls proclaims as the solution to injustice between nations.In sum, though more affluent nations are morally responsible for the wellbeing of other neighboring and distant struggling countries, they should still be wary of potential terrorist attacks that might result from their generosity.   There are moral implications at stake, but sacrificing the affluence of a country’s economy should not result in the sacrificing of that country’s safety as well.   This fault in Rawl’s theory will have to be assessed before it can work as a valid solution to inequality.   

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay about In Vitro Fertilization No Refernce

Essay about In Vitro Fertilization No Refernce Essay about In Vitro Fertilization No Refernce For the majority of couples, in vitro fertilization (IVF) represents the final hope for pregnancy after the countless times of failing to conceive. The IVF process is demanding, occurs in an unfamiliar environment, cost about thousand of dollars, and has no guarantee of a successful outcome. However, these couples choose this option in hope of having a baby. Most couples find a way to cope with the stresses of the IVF procedure, and all couples are aware of the pressures which it places upon them. Most women who are unable to conceive naturally resort to IVF as a last option despite the multiple medications, high cost, and significant odds needed to make pregnancy even remotely possible. IVF is a fertility treatment that helps couples who need assistance in conceiving naturally. This process is vital to infertile couples because it gives them another chance of conceiving a child. Couples who do qualify for IVF usually tried other methods before they looked into IVF process. IVF has six major steps for the process of fertilization: monitoring the ripening of the eggs in the woman’s ovaries, collecting the eggs, collecting sperm, incubation of the egg and sperm in the laboratory, transferring the embryo to the uterus, and waiting for either a positive pregnancy result or menstruation. More than tens of thousands healthy children are born through IVF. The number one aim for IVF has been to mimic nature as best as possible using artificial insemination. It’s really important for anyone considering IVF to understand to process along with any limitations. Women who want to start the IVF route need to start a daily injection dose of hormonal medication know as Gonadotropins to promote maturation of ovarian follicles containing the eggs. Women are taught how to administer the injections at home on the first day they are prescribed the medication injection. Later on their blood is tested to measure hormone levels. The main goal is to stimulate the production of multiple follicles but these numbers can vary widely. Some women can produce 20 or more pre cycle while others could possibly only produce two or three. When the follicles have matured the women then administers an injection of human chorionic gonadotrophin, hCG. This is an important medication that has to be taken at the time the women is instructed to do so or the procedure will not successfully take place. After the administration of Hcg, the egg is then retrieved 34-36 hours later. This is where the doctor inserts a long needle through the vagina to remove fluids that contain the mature eggs. This part takes about 20-30 minutes, usually performed as an outpatient procedure and does not require any general anesthesia. Once the eggs has been examined and fertilized by the sperm it is observed for five days before it is then transferred as an embryo to the uterus. After the embryo has been transferred the women is now given the hormone progesterone. This can be given as an injection or through a vaginal suppository. This drug is given to the woman for two weeks and if the implantation is successful a pregnancy test will result in a positive. IVF in the United States can cost for one cycle approximately $10,000 to $15,000. Since many insurance policies don’t cover any type of fertility therapies it is best that couples wanting to do this procedure to check with their insurance companies on what is covered. Currently there are 14 states that require insurers to cover diagnose and some treatments, but even then some policies vary with in the state. If the insurance policy doesn’t cover the treatment the couples alternatively end up paying 100% of the cost up

Monday, October 21, 2019

Reasons to Keep the Electoral College

Reasons to Keep the Electoral College Under the Electoral College system, it is possible for a presidential candidate to lose the nationwide popular vote, yet be elected president of the United States by winning in only a handful of key states. Should you ever forget this fact, critics of the Electoral College will be sure to remind you of it every four years. What could the Founding Fathers- the framers of the Constitution- have been thinking in 1787? Did they not realize that the Electoral College system effectively took the power to select the American president out of the hands of the American people? Yes, they did. In fact, the Founders always intended that the states- not the people- select the president. Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution grants the power to elect the president and vice president to the states through the Electoral College system. Under the Constitution, the highest-ranking U.S. officials elected by the direct popular vote of the people are the governors of the states. Beware the Tyranny of the Majority To be brutally honest, the Founding Fathers gave the American public of their day little credit for political awareness when it came to selecting the president. Here are some of their telling statements from the Constitutional Convention of 1787. A popular election in this case is radically vicious. The ignorance of the people would put it in the power of some one set of men dispersed through the Union, and acting in concert, to delude them into any appointment. - Delegate Gerry, July 25, 1787The extent of the country renders it impossible, that the people can have the requisite capacity to judge of the respective pretensions of the candidates. - Delegate Mason, July 17, 1787The people are uninformed, and would be misled by a few designing men. - Delegate Gerry, July 19, 1787 The Founding Fathers had seen the dangers of placing ultimate power into a single set of human hands. Accordingly, they feared that placing the unlimited power to elect the president into the politically naive hands of the people could lead to a tyranny of the majority. In response, they created the Electoral College system as a process to insulate the selection of the president from the whims of the public. Giving the Small States an Equal Voice The Electoral College helps give rural states with lower populations an equal voice. If the popular vote alone decided elections, the presidential candidates would rarely visit those states or consider the needs of rural residents in their policy platforms. Due to the Electoral College process, candidates must get votes from multiple states- large and small- thus helping to ensure that the president will address the needs of the entire country. Preserving Federalism The Founding Fathers also felt the Electoral College system would enforce the concept of federalism- the division and sharing of powers between the state and national governments.Under the Constitution, the people are empowered to choose, through a direct popular election, the men and women who represent them in their state legislatures and in the United States Congress. The states, through the Electoral College, are empowered to choose the president and vice president. Are We a Democracy or Not? Critics of the Electoral College system argue that by taking the selection of the president out of the hands of the public at large, that Electoral College system flies in the face of democracy. America is, after all, a democracy, is it not? Lets see. Two of the most widely recognized forms of democracy are: Pure or Direct Democracy - All decisions are made directly by a majority vote of all eligible citizens. By their vote alone, citizens can enact laws and select or remove their leaders. The power of the people to control their government is unlimited.Representative Democracy - The citizens rule through representatives who they elect periodically in order to keep them accountable. The power of the people to control their government is thus limited by the actions of their elected representatives. The United States is a representative democracy operated under a republican form of government, as provided for in Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution, which states, The United States shall guarantee to every State in the Union a Republican form of Government... (This should not be confused with the Republican political party which is merely named after the form of government.) In 1787, the Founding Fathers, based on their direct knowledge of history showing that unlimited power tends to become a tyrannical power, created the United States as a republic- not a pure democracy. Direct democracy only works when all or at least most of the people participate in the process. The Founding Fathers knew that as the nation grew and the time required for debating and voting on every issue increased, the public’s desire to take part in the process would quickly decrease. As a result, the decisions and actions taken would not truly reflect the will of the majority, but small groups of people representing their own interests. The Founders were unanimous in their desire that no single entity, be it the people or an agent of the government, be given unlimited power. Achieving a separation of powers ultimately became their highest priority. As a part of their plan to separate powers and authority, the Founders created the Electoral College as the method by which the people could choose their highest government leader- the president- while avoiding at least some of the dangers of a direct election. But just because the Electoral College has worked just as the Founding Fathers intended for over 200 years does not mean that it should never be modified or even abandoned completely. What will it take for either to happen? What Would It Take to Change the Electoral College System? Any change to the way in which America chooses its president will require a constitutional amendment. For this to come about, the following will have to happen:First, the fear must become reality. That is, a presidential candidate must lose the nationwide popular vote, but be elected through the Electoral College vote. This has happened exactly four times in the nations history: In 1876, Republican Rutherford B. Hayes, with 4,036,298 popular votes won 185 electoral votes. His main opponent, Democrat Samuel J. Tilden, won the popular vote with 4,300,590 votes but won only 184 electoral votes. Hayes was elected president.In 1888, Republican Benjamin Harrison, with 5,439,853 popular votes won 233 electoral votes. His main opponent, Democrat Grover Cleveland, won the popular vote with 5,540,309 votes but won only 168 electoral votes. Harrison was elected president.In 2000, Republican George W. Bush lost the popular vote to Democrat Al Gore by a margin of 50,996,582 to 50,456,062. But after the U.S. Supreme Court halted vote recounts in Florida, George W. Bush was awarded the states 25 electoral votes and won the presidency through a 271 to 266 vote margin in the Electoral College.In 2016, Republican Donald Trump lost the popular vote with 62,984,825. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton received a total of 65,853,516 popular votes. In the Electoral College, Trum p was granted 306 votes to Clintons 232. It is sometimes reported that Richard M. Nixon received more popular votes in the 1960 election than winner John F. Kennedy, but official results showed Kennedy with 34,227,096 popular votes to Nixons 34,107,646. Kennedy won 303 Electoral College votes to Nixons 219 votes. Next, a candidate that loses the popular vote but wins the electoral vote must turn out to be a particularly unsuccessful and unpopular president. Otherwise, the impetus to blame the nations woes on the Electoral College system will never materialize.Finally, the constitutional amendment must get a two-thirds vote from both houses of Congress and be ratified by three-fourths of the states. Even if all of the above were to happen, it remains highly unlikely that the Electoral College system would be changed or repealed. Under the above circumstances, it is probable that neither the Republicans nor the Democrats would hold a strong majority of seats in Congress. Requiring a two-thirds vote from both houses, a constitutional amendment must have strong bi-partisan support- support it will not get from a split Congress. (The president cannot veto a constitutional amendment.) To be ratified and become effective, a constitutional amendment must also be approved by the legislatures of 39 out of the 50 states. By design, the Electoral College system grants the states the power to elect the president of the United States. How likely is it that 39 states are going to vote to give up that power? Moreover, 12 states control 53 percent of the votes in the Electoral College, leaving only 38 states that might even consider ratification. Come on critics, can you really say that in 213 years of operation, the Electoral College system has produced bad results? Only twice have the electors stumbled and been unable to choose a president, thus throwing the decision into the House of Representatives. Who did the House decide on in those two cases? Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Breaking Down the Pros and Cons of Grade Retention

Breaking Down the Pros and Cons of Grade Retention Grade retention is a process in which a teacher believes that it would benefit a student to keep them in the same grade for two consecutive years. Retaining a student is not an easy decision and should not be taken lightly. Parents often find the decision agonizing, and it can be difficult for some parents to climb entirely on board. It is necessary to note that any retention decision should be made after much evidence is collected and after several meetings with parents. It is essential that you do not spring it on them at the final parent/teacher conference of the year. If grade retention is a possibility, it should be brought up early in the school year. However, intervention and frequent updates should be the focal point for most of the year. What Are Some Reasons to Retain a Student? There are many reasons that a teacher may feel that retention is necessary for a particular student. The biggest reason is typically the development level of a child. Students enter school at around the same chronological age but with ​varying developmental levels. If a teacher believes that a student is behind developmentally compared to the majority of students in their class, then they may wish to retain the student to give them â€Å"the grace of time† to mature and catch up developmentally. Teachers may also choose to retain a student because they simply struggle academically when compared to students at the same grade level. While this is a traditional reason for retention, it is necessary to note that unless you figure out why the student is struggling, it is likely that the retention will do more harm than good. Another reason teachers often retain a student is due to the student’s lack of motivation to learn. Retention is often ineffective in this case as well. Student behavior can be another reason that a teacher chooses to retain a student. This is especially prevalent in lower grades. Poor behavior is often tied to the developmental level of the child. What Are Some Possible Positive Effects? The biggest positive effect of grade retention is that it provides students who are truly behind developmentally a chance to catch up. Those type of students will begin to thrive once they are developmentally on grade level. Being in the same grade two years in a row can also provide a student with some stability and familiarity, especially when it comes to the teacher and the room. Retention is most beneficial when the child that is retained receives intensive intervention specific to the areas in which they struggle throughout the retention year. What Are Some Possible Negative Effects? There are many adverse effects of retention. One of the biggest negative effects is that students who are retained are more likely to drop out of school eventually. It is also not an exact science. Research says that students are more negatively impacted by grade retention than they are positively affected by it. Grade retention can also have a profound impact on a student’s socialization. This becomes especially true for older students who have been with the same group of students for several years. A student who has been separated from their friends could become depressed and develop poor self-esteem. Students who are retained are likely physically bigger than their classmates because they are a year older. This often causes that child to be self-conscious. Students who are retained sometimes develop serious behavior issues, especially as they age. What Grade(s) Should You Retain a Student? The rule of thumb for retention is the younger, the better. Once students reach fourth grade, it becomes virtually impossible for retention to be a positive thing. There are always exceptions but, overall, retention should be primarily limited to early elementary school. There are so many factors that teachers need to look at in a retention decision. It is not an easy decision. Seek advice from other teachers and look at each student on a case-by-case basis. You could have two students who are remarkably similar developmentally but due to external factors, retention would only be appropriate for one and not the other. What Is the Process for a Student to be Retained? Each school district typically has its own retention policy. Some districts may oppose retention altogether. For districts that do not oppose retention, teachers need to make themselves familiar with their district’s policy. Regardless of that policy, there are several things a teacher needs to do to make the retention process much easier throughout the year. Identify struggling students within the first few weeks of school.Create an individualized intervention plan to meet that students individual learning needs.Meet with the parent within a month of initiating that plan. Be straightforward with them, provide them with strategies to implement at home, and be sure you let them know that retention is a possibility if significant improvements aren’t made over the course of the year.Adapt and change the plan if you are not seeing growth after a few months.Continuously update the parents on their child’s progress.Document everything, including meetings, strategies used, results, etc.If you do decide to retain, then follow all school policies and procedures dealing with retention. Be sure to monitor and comply with dates concerning retention as well. What Are Some Alternatives to Grade Retention? Grade retention is not the best remedy for every struggling student. Sometimes it may be as simple as providing a student with some counseling to get them going in the right direction. Other times it is won’t be that easy. Older students, in particular, need to be given some options when it comes to grade retention. Many schools provide summer school opportunities for students to attend and make improvements in the areas in which they struggle. Another alternative would be to place a ​student on a plan of study. A plan of study puts the ball in the student’s court sort of speak. A plan of study provides students with specific objectives that they must meet over the course of the year. It also provides assistance and increased accountability for the student. Finally, a plan of study details specific consequences for not meeting their specific objectives, including grade retention.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Overcrowding in our prisons systems is becoming a burden on a Essay

Overcrowding in our prisons systems is becoming a burden on a taxpaying society. Should more people sentenced to the death penalty be put to death and should no - Essay Example 1)†. Additionally, the taxpayers may have to cough up more than $28,000 to keep each new individual who comes to jail for a year. This system certainly does not deserve more money from the people since to keep society safe from criminal elements; we the people are paying the cost for medical, educational as well as the living expenses of prisoners whereas a much simpler solution could be presented to the government. The simpler solution is execution. For criminals who have committed violent crimes such as murder, rape, kidnapping, armed assault and a host of other crimes, the easiest method to cure crime would be to hand them the death penalty and be done with it. Such crimes are already considered punishable by death by some countries which we do not consider as ‘developed’ as America but it must be noted that valued legal thinkers such as Bedau (1998) consider the death penalty for rapists to be quite valid. Bedau (1998) says that the death penalty to be a possible punishment for rape since it, â€Å"may measurably serve the legitimate ends of punishment (Bedau, 1998, Pg. 213)†. It seems that calling a prison a correctional facility is a misnomer because the aims of the prison system are not being met. As reported by Beard (2005), nearly 95 percent of all current prisoners will one day return to prison and more than fifty percent will utterly fail to readjust to the normal social order. The reasons given for this situation are the wrongful filling of prisons with individuals who may be mentally ill and could be given better services elsewhere. When we try to control their behavior with prisons, we fail and other solutions such as medical treatment and the death penalty itself become more realistic approaches to handling our prison population problem. Of course there are those who think that the death penalty

Communication Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Communication Plan - Essay Example The paper will emphasize on the factors which are essential for developing a successful marketing communication plan for the launch of the new product. Promotional techniques as well as procedures are required to be recognized along with making an identification of appropriate technologies for performing marketing operations for the company. Moreover, the paper will also emphasize on the differences of marketing communication plan required for the market of the United States and China. Marketing Communication plan is a technique of formulating strategies as well as plans for marketing new products in a market in an efficient manner. There are a few elements which are considered to be an important factor for developing an effective marketing communication plan. These elements are as follows: The club is required to conduct an analysis of the market segment where the company is going to launch its product. The market size as well as trend of the market is required to be evaluated for recognizing suitability of such market. Moreover, market conditions as well as economy should be ascertained in order to launch the new product in an effective manner (Egan, 2007). The objective of the club is required to be clear as well as precise in order to expand business operations and to be effective in providing products both at national as well as in international market in an efficient manner (Egan, 2007). The club is required to formulate appropriate strategies in accordance with the situational analysis as well as objectives of the company. Moreover, the strategies which are formulated should assist the club in marketing products in the market of China in an appropriate manner. Furthermore, the club is also required to devise appropriate marketing as well as communication strategies with the objectives of better awareness of the product among consumers in the market (Egan,

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Godfather by Mario Puzo, A Comparison of novel and film Essay

The Godfather by Mario Puzo, A Comparison of novel and film - Essay Example There are numerous schools of thought on what made this novel and film appeal to the American public. Some critics are of the view that it was all about the timing. Firstly, Barra (4 & 5) argues that the novel lacked the literary merit to warrant its popularity and goes on to base the novels success on the fact that it was produced at a period when easy-reading books, that he refers to as novelizations, were a hit. However, when it comes to the films, The Godfather  and  The Godfather Part II were realised in 1972 and 1974, which was a time that the US was experiencing much turmoil and change. Critics attribute the films’ leanings towards the New Left and its exposure of the hypocrisy of institutions of power, such as corruption in the police force and politicians, gave the public what they desired to see and hear. However, the theme that pundits agree on that may have contributed to the success of both the novel and the film was that the story was really about the exper iences of American immigrant families, specifically Sicilian-Americans, adapting to their new environment. Barra (6) states that if we take away the gambling and the murder, the story becomes a straightforward depiction of how Italian-American families were assimilated into American culture. This we believe superseded the notion that it was the film that made the novel famous because historical data shows that the book had already sold millions of copies before the first film was  ­released in 1972. This common theme therefore is what we believe to be bearing the underlying relevance of the both the novel and the films: assimilation of immigrant families into the American society and its resultant consequences. The original plot and the film adaptations The Godfather novel is set in the 1940s and revolves around the family of a Sicily-American immigrant. Don Vito Corleone, the head of the Corleone family is referred to as the Godfather because he embodies what every man aspires to be. He is strong, powerful, cunning and a loving family man. This is depicted where we see Amerigo Bonasera coming to him to seek justice for his daughter’s rape (Puzo 10) and also by Virgil Sollozo who seeks Vito’s partnership to engage in the lucrative drug peddling business. The Don refuses to take up Sollozo’s offer, which leads the â€Å"Turk† to send assassins to kill the Don. Vito Corleone survives, but needs to stay away from the direct running of the family business. Sonny, his hot-headed son, takes up leadership of the Corleone family, convinces Michael, his younger brother to kill Sollozo and Captain McCluskey in vengeance for his father’s failed assassination attempt. This act results in a full scale war between the five mafia families in New York. The all out mafia war leads to the death of Sonny and Michael’s ascension to the head of the family. Michael initially tries to legitimize the Corleone business empire, but fails. Michael who erstwhile wanted nothing to do with the family business changes into a ruthless Don, who eliminates all the heads of the other mafia families in New York. He later sells all the Corleone property in New York and moves the family to Lake Tahoe, Nevada. In contrast to the novel, the movie is made of three sequels. The Godfather, Part I is the film whose plot most closely resembles the novel’s bar the elimination of several character backstories

Global Nursing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global Nursing - Research Paper Example   Ã‚   In an attempt to explain global nursing, Sister Roy gives metatheory and philosophical perspectives. Several discussions were held on the nature of the knowledge applied or required of a nurse. Issues such epistemology and the nature of both the person and nursing were debated upon and Roy realized that the major developments undertaken by the nurses were not captured in the journals and thus major issues affecting the nurses were not attended to (Roy & Jones, 2007).   Sister Roy states that knowledge has been reflected as covering a larger part of the human the health relation between humans and environmental from the beginning of the century as it is stated in the concepts explained in theoretical nursing (Roy & Jones, 2007). The need that nursing should be understood in the perspective of the practice of the nature of nursing took root in the 20th century. Since 1970 there have been several approaches that are influencing the development of nursing knowledge. Several au thors and theoreticians have done several other publications regarding the various developments of knowledge in the field of nursing (Meleis, 2011).  Ã‚  A global definition of the position of nursing paradigm is given by sister Roy. This tends to address the knowledge that is supposed to be known in the nursing field. Paradigmatic refers to the nursing literature. Several other theorists were arguing about the risks incurred by emphasizing the same approach. Paradigmatic resulted to distinguishing several sectors of knowledge required by nurses.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management Assignment

Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management - Assignment Example It is very important that linkages between strategic planning and performance are addressed. The business planning process should take into account the organizational performance. Also planning should not be rigid and formal. The business planning process should not be idealistically rational, rigid, bureaucratic and a dysfunctional exercise. The planning process should be drawn in such a way that management are actively involved in the actual decision making process. The strategic plans and objectives formulated should be flexible. Hence, there is an element of intuition in the business planning process. In order to attain strategic competence, it is very necessary that the intuitive judgment taken in the plan is successful (Hodgkinson et al. 2009). They may change in the course of time in order to meet the final goal. An ideal business plan consists of long term and short term goals which needs to be attained. These strategic objectives should be flexible and accordingly the strate gic plans may change to meet requirements (Shrader et al. 1984). Market analysis and research – Most organizations draw up a marketing plan in order to attain the formal goal. Unfortunately, only few strive to develop a comprehensive plan which entails to research and analyze the product and service market before implementing it. Most organizations shy away from developing a comprehensive marketing plan as they may face a lot of hurdles which may be in the form of procedural, cognitive, research, cultural, informational, environmental and organizational aspects (Wilson & McDonald 1994). One of the procedural benefits of planning is that it helps in attaining realistic and attainable goals. However, in... From this paper, it is clear that modern researchers assert that sole emphasis on entrepreneurial characteristics does not completely attribute to entrepreneurial success. Researchers are more interested in evaluating and researching on the thinking doing nexus of entrepreneurial behavior. Managers interact with the environment and make decisions with reference to success factors. Most of the times, entrepreneurs have to make decisions with limited or ambiguous data. Hence they have to possess the knowledge to assess, judge and decide depending on the creation of ventures, opportunities, and growth. Hence, action and thought are important components of the behavior of an entrepreneur and play an important role in determining successful decision making.All in all, a successful entrepreneur have a diverse set of qualities which includes personality traits.According to me, an entrepreneur needs to manage certain important areas like risk management, planning for new ventures, networking , learning, financial management and human resource management. In order to handle all these aspects in a successful manager, the entrepreneur must take the right decision at the right time. Hence, in order to be a successful manager, an individual needs to have the skills, experience and personality traits to manage a venture successfully. This includes problem-solving and decision-making skills, strategic thinking, capacity to close deals successfully, time and project management, selling, negotiation, persuasion, and motivation.

Whistle Blower Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Whistle Blower Articles - Essay Example The case had sparked enormous doubt among the public towards hospitals and the credibility of medical practitioners. The case was an eye-opener to the extent of extortion occurring at local hospitals and the perennial risk incurred by patients undergoing unnecessary surgeries and admission. According to Elin Baklid-Kunz, the hospital allegedly admitted thousands of patients unnecessarily between year 2000 and 2011. Her position as director of physical services enabled her to expose the compensation agreements to doctors that violated kickback laws. Additionally, 90% of all the spinal fusion procedures conducted were unnecessary, hence the doctors did not value the patients’ safety (Orlando Sentinel, 2013). On a positive note, the large remuneration of Baklid-Kunz and also the whistleblower protection laws encourages more whistle-blowers to come out and reduce fraudulent activities in organizations both government and private. According to (Turner, 2014) whistle-blowing protection laws such as the whistle-blowing protection Act and the Ethics in Government Act guarantee the freedom of speech for workers. An piece by R. Robin McDonald, on the month of March 12, 2014, the lead attorney Marlan Wilbanks indicates that whistleblowers can claim for over 25% of what the government receives as compensation. However, the majority of whistle-blowers receives over 16.5% of the compensation. Baklid-Kunz won 20 million dollars that were 25% of the government compensation. She received her share under the provisions of the Federal False claim Act. The Act encourages private citizens to bring information in the structure of a civil action aligned with the company suspected of fraud. The attorneys went on and litigated against Halifax on the allegations that the hospital unlawfully boosted their revenue at the expense of the Medicare program by admitting patients unnecessarily for

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management Assignment

Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management - Assignment Example It is very important that linkages between strategic planning and performance are addressed. The business planning process should take into account the organizational performance. Also planning should not be rigid and formal. The business planning process should not be idealistically rational, rigid, bureaucratic and a dysfunctional exercise. The planning process should be drawn in such a way that management are actively involved in the actual decision making process. The strategic plans and objectives formulated should be flexible. Hence, there is an element of intuition in the business planning process. In order to attain strategic competence, it is very necessary that the intuitive judgment taken in the plan is successful (Hodgkinson et al. 2009). They may change in the course of time in order to meet the final goal. An ideal business plan consists of long term and short term goals which needs to be attained. These strategic objectives should be flexible and accordingly the strate gic plans may change to meet requirements (Shrader et al. 1984). Market analysis and research – Most organizations draw up a marketing plan in order to attain the formal goal. Unfortunately, only few strive to develop a comprehensive plan which entails to research and analyze the product and service market before implementing it. Most organizations shy away from developing a comprehensive marketing plan as they may face a lot of hurdles which may be in the form of procedural, cognitive, research, cultural, informational, environmental and organizational aspects (Wilson & McDonald 1994). One of the procedural benefits of planning is that it helps in attaining realistic and attainable goals. However, in... From this paper, it is clear that modern researchers assert that sole emphasis on entrepreneurial characteristics does not completely attribute to entrepreneurial success. Researchers are more interested in evaluating and researching on the thinking doing nexus of entrepreneurial behavior. Managers interact with the environment and make decisions with reference to success factors. Most of the times, entrepreneurs have to make decisions with limited or ambiguous data. Hence they have to possess the knowledge to assess, judge and decide depending on the creation of ventures, opportunities, and growth. Hence, action and thought are important components of the behavior of an entrepreneur and play an important role in determining successful decision making.All in all, a successful entrepreneur have a diverse set of qualities which includes personality traits.According to me, an entrepreneur needs to manage certain important areas like risk management, planning for new ventures, networking , learning, financial management and human resource management. In order to handle all these aspects in a successful manager, the entrepreneur must take the right decision at the right time. Hence, in order to be a successful manager, an individual needs to have the skills, experience and personality traits to manage a venture successfully. This includes problem-solving and decision-making skills, strategic thinking, capacity to close deals successfully, time and project management, selling, negotiation, persuasion, and motivation.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

China High School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

China High School - Essay Example Shang society was based on aristocrats with a king on the head. He had a centralized power and also was military supreme. The religion at that time was paganism and was based on ancestor worship. People were in resentment by his ruling but the king of the rival Zhou kingdom that was a part of Shang kingdom killed him. So Zhou became the ruling dynasty (1066 - 256 BC) and that was the period of extension of the Chinese civilization. The territory that dynasty's leaders had to cover was very large so due to the poor means of communication so they had to appoint people to oversee each territory and at that time this territories began to shape into cities. The lords of the territories received their titles through inheritance. As Shang dynasty Zhou dynasty was also agricultural country. The religion was paganism. The main god was god of heaven Shang Ti that at that time was called T'ien. The rulers of Zhou dynasty believed that they got their power to rule from heaven (Robert, 1999). In 770 BC the Zhou kings lost their territories that they had accredited to their lords. The lords rebelled and defeated the capital. The new capital was formed in the farther East and the period of Eastern Zhou began. The territories became more powerful and there was economical growth even through the continuous war between the territories. This was also the time when China entered the Iron Age that had a great influence on the people life and also it helped to enhance state power. Also at the period of Eastern Zhou is famous because then was a golden age of Chinese philosophy. The most famous philosopher of that period is Confucius (Morton and Lewes, 2004: 51). From the 4th century BC the state of Qin began to accumulate power and to reform its administration, economy and military. It grows stronger at the same time when Zhou kingdom weakened and died. Soon Qin conquered seven warring states and became the ruling dynasty (221 - 206 BC). The Qin dynasty was that one that put the beginning to China. The emperor wanted to conquer the warring states and he succeeded, so China became the united state. Also emperor pronounced himself as the first emperor of China or Shih Huang Ti. The first emperor unified China, standardized writing, weights, and measures throughout his kingdom. At this period was built the Great Wall of China. By this time the emperor became old and after the wrong treatment had died. Then followed the rebellion against the Qin dynasty that lead to the next dynasty the Han (221 - 206 AD). Liu Pang, took the control of the former Qin empire. He proclaimed himself emperor in 206 BC. He established the Han dynasty which would become the most durable dynasty of the imperial age. The Han Empire used all achievements of Qin dynasty and also modified politics. The Han Empire reached the peak of its development during the emperor Wu Ti (140 - 87 BC). He wanted to expand his kingdom but his reforms led to the revolt (Gascoigne, 2000: 73). During a revolt Wang Ming - a courtier, deposed emperor and established short Xin dynasty. At this period slavery was abolished and he tried to rearrange land politics but it caused a large rebellion during which the emperor was killed

Monday, October 14, 2019

Keynes Theory of Income and Employment Essay Example for Free

Keynes Theory of Income and Employment Essay The term ‘classical economists’ was firstly used by Karl Marx to describe economic thought of Ricardo and his predecessors including Adam Smith. However, by ‘classical economists’, Keynes meant the followers of David Ricardo including John Stuart Mill, Alfred Marshal and Pigou. According to Keynes, the term ‘classical economics’ refers to the traditional or orthodox principles of economics, which had come to be accepted, by and large, by the well known economists by then. Being the follower of Marshal, Keynes had himself accepted and taught these classical principles. But he repudiated the doctrine of laissez-faire. The two broad features of classical theory of employment were: (a) The assumption of full employment of labour and other productive resources, and (b) The flexibility of prices and wages to bring about the full employment (a) Full employment:- According to classical economists, the labour and the other resources are always fully employed. Moreover, the general over-production and general unemployment are assumed to be impossible. If there is any unemployment in the country, it is assumed to be temporary or abnormal. According to classical views of employment, the unemployment cannot be persisted for a long time, and there is always a tendency of full employment in the country. (b) Flexibility of prices and wages:- The second assumption of full employment theory is the flexibility of prices and wages. It is the flexibility of prices and wages which automatically brings about full employment. If there is general over-production resulting in depression and unemployment, prices would fall as a result of which demand would increase, prices would rise and productive activity will be stimulated and unemployment would tend to disappear. Similarly, the unemployment could be cured by cutting down wages which would increase the demand for labour and would stimulate activity. Thus, if the prices and wages are allowed to move freely, unemployment would disappear and full employment level would be restored. Say’s Law:- 1. Say’s Law is the foundation of classical economics. Assumption of full employment as a normal condition of a free market economy is justified by classical economists by a law known as ‘Say’s Law of Markets’. 2. It was the theory on the basis of which classical economists thought that general over-production and general unemployment are not possible. . According to the French economist J. B. Say, supply creates its own demand. According to him, it is production which creates market for goods. More of production, more of creating demand for other goods. There can be no problem of over-production. 4. Say denies the possibility of the deficiency of aggregate demand. 5. The c onceived Say’s Law describes an important fact about the working of free-exchange of economy that the main source of demand is the sum of incomes earned by the various productive factors from the process of production itself. A new productive process, by paying out income to its employed factors, generates demand at the same time that it adds to supply. It is thus production which creates market for goods, or supply creates its own demand not only at the same time but also to an equal extent. 6. According to Say, the aggregate supply of commodities in the economy would be exactly equal to aggregate demand. If there is any deficiency in the demand, it would be temporary and it would be ultimately equal to aggregate supply. Therefore, the employment of more resources will always be profitable and will take to the point of full employment. 7. According to Say’s Law, there will always be a sufficient rate of total spending so as to keep all resources fully employed. Most of the income is spent on consumer goods and a par of it is saved. 8. The classical economists are of the view that all the savings are spent automatically on investment goods. Savings and investments are interchangeable words and are equal to each other. 9. Since saving is another form of spending, according to classical theory, all income is spent partly for consumption and partly for investment. 10. If there is any gap between saving and investment, the rate of interest brings about equality between the two. Basic Assumptions of Say’s Law:- (a) Perfectly competitive market and free exchange economy. (b) Free flow of money incomes. All the savings must be immediately invested and all the income must be immediately spent. (c) Savings are equal to investment and equality must bring about by flexible interest rate. (d) No intervention of government in market operations, i. e. , a laissez faire economy, and there is no government expenditure, taxation and subsidies. (e) Market size is limited by the volume of production and aggregate demand is equal to aggregate supply. (f) It is a closed economy. The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s. It was the longest, most widespread, and deepest depression of the 20th century. In the 21st century, the Great Depression is commonly used as an example of how far the worlds economy can decline. The depression originated in the U. S. , starting with the fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929 and became worldwide news with the stock market crash of October 29, 1929. From there, it quickly spread to almost every country in the world. The Great Depression had devastating effects in virtually every country, rich and poor. Personal income, tax revenue, profits and prices dropped. Unemployment in the U. S. rose to 25%, and in some countries rose as high as 33%. British economist John Maynard Keynes argued in General Theory of Employment Interest and Money that lower aggregate expenditures in the economy contributed to a massive decline in income and to employment that was well below the average. In such a situation, the economy reached equilibrium at low levels of economic activity and high unemployment. Keynes basic idea was simple: to keep people fully employed, governments have to run deficits when the economy is slowing, as the private sector would not invest enough to keep production at the normal level and bring the economy out of recession. Keynesian economists called on governments during times of economic crisis to pick up the slack by increasing government spending and/or cutting taxes. Criticism of Keynes on Classical Theory:- The law of J.B Say was finally falsified and laid to rest with the writings of Lord J.M. Keynes. He in his book, General Theory, has severally citicized the Say’s La on the following grounds. †¢ Posibility of defficiency of affective demand:- He says that in a compatative market it is not necessory that all income earned is automatically spend on cosumption and investment. A part of Income may be saved and may go to increase individual holdings. There may, thus appear a deficiency in aggregate demand causing overproduction and unemployment in the country. †¢ Pigou’s view on wage cuts:- Keynes criticized the view that a general cut in real wages in times of depression is a cure for unemployment. Keynes is of the view that a general cut in real wages may reduce the aggrigate demand for goods and deepen depression. †¢ Saving investment equality:- The Say’s Law assumes that micro economic analysis can profitably by by applied to the economy as a whole. Keynes rejects this view and says that for the explanation of the general theory of income and employment, the macro economic analysis is required. †¢ Saving investment equality:- Keynes was never convinced of the classical version that interest elasticity can equate savings ad investment. According to him, It is the income not the rate of interest which is the equilibrium force between saving and investment. †¢ Monopoly element:- Say’s Law assumes perfect competition in the economy. Keynes says It is the imperfect completion which in practice prevails in the product and factor market. †¢ Role of Trade unions:- In the contemporary capitalistic world, The trade unions bargain with the employers for the fixation of wages. The state also fixes minimum wages in certain industries. †¢ Short run economics:- Keynes says that, the lenth of long run is not clear in Say’s law. Keynes Theory Of Income And Employment John Maynard Keynes wrote his esteemed book â€Å"General Theory of Employment† in 1936. Keynes has strongly criticised the classical theory in his book. His theory of employment is widely accepted by modern economists. Keynesian economics is also known as ‘new economics’ and ‘economic revolution’. Definition:- â€Å"In short period, level of national income and so of employment is determined by aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the country.† â€Å"Volume of employment depends on the level of national income and output. Increase in national income means increase in employment† The equilibrium of national income occurs where aggregate demand is equal to aggregate supply. This equilibrium is also called effective demand point.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Osmosis Investigation Essay -- GCSE Biology Osmosis Coursework

Osmosis Investigation How different concentrations of sucrose solution effect potato tissue. Aim How do different concentrations of sucrose solution effect potato tissue. Background Information Osmosis is the movement of water molecules though a partially permeable membrane from an area of high water potential to an area of low water potential. High Concentration Low Concentration The membrane lets small water molecules pass though but not large ones. The flow continues until the concentration becomes the same on the inside as on the outside. This is called equilibrium. Molarity is a measure of concentration. Prediction I predict that the potato will change in mass and in length. I believe this because each Molarity of sucrose will change the potato's water content. This will happen because either the concentration will higher in the sucrose and lower in the Tubas or lower in the sucrose and higher in the Tubers. Therefore water will travel in or out of the potatoes cell though its partial permeable membrane. Preliminary Method ÂÂ · I will firstly get 10 test tubes and to test tube racks ÂÂ · Then I will cut 9 pieces of potato ÂÂ · I will then get 3 different Concentrations of sucrose solution and add 20cm3 to each test tube ÂÂ · Cut a 4 mm in diameter tuba to 1 cm in length ÂÂ · Now I will measure the length and mass ÂÂ · Now place the pieces in ÂÂ · Now leave this for 15 minutes ÂÂ · Now I will measure the length and mass Preliminary Results After we did the Preliminary Test we decided to use 1 cm long 4 mm diameter tubas. We would put them in 25 cm3 sucrose solutions. I don't have any actual results because the potato tubas shrivelled up in the fridge. Method 1. I took two average sized ground potatoes and checked that they were both healthy and hard. 2. Using a standard kitchen knife I peeled the potatoes and used a potato tuba to cut 18 equally size tubas 3. Using a scalpel and ruler I cut the potato into lengths of 4mm by 10mm. I had to be very careful whilst cutting the potato as the scalpel is exceptionally sharp. I then had 18 tubas 4. Taking a test tube rack I placed 18 test tubes in it and then labelled them (0.00M, 0.25M, 0.50M, 1.00M, 1.50M, 2.00M) 5. Using a measuring cylinder I measured out 25cm3. I then poured this carefully into ea... ...the water potential inside the tissue. To measure the tubers I think I would use a digital measurer that goes to two decimal places for accuracy and it would go to the same accuracy level as the top pan balance. I would also increase the amount molar amounts I use, such as 0.25 and 0.75. one explanation for the bad results is when the potato chips were removed from the test tubes and dried I may well have dried some potatoes more thoroughly than others and so some would have more excess water, which would add to the mass. If the experiment was repeated I could find another way to dry the potatoes that would ensure that all were dried in the same way for the same time. I were to repeat the experiment I would have possibly found a machine to cut the potato as it would ensure that all potatoes would be the same weight and dimensions. As well as the potato I could have found a more accurate way to measure out the solutions and to determine the molar concentrations. Perhaps I could have used a burette. This would ensure that I have an accurate amount of fluid in each test tube. I could also weigh each tuber on a more accurate scale, e.g. not to 0.00g but to 0.0000g

Saturday, October 12, 2019

THe beginning of Seattle history :: essays papers

THe beginning of Seattle history The coast of Washington is rich with the history of early America. While much of the United States was still in its infancy, Washington was thriving with industry. Though the industry was large, the towns were just beginning to grow. Though Washington’s coastal towns offered much to its citizens, it was the logging industry that started it all. In this paper, I will discuss the growth of the logging industry, specifically in relation to Seattle, and the resulting extension industries in the development of what is now our nations largest port city. I. The early industry: The laborers who sat idle during the fur trading off-season were of great concern to George Simpson, resident governor of the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1821. As he sat in his newly transferred building situated on the north bank of the Columbia River, he noticed the commanding view, in which he saw endless stands of thick timber. By order of Simpson, command of the new post, Fort Vancouver, was secured by one John McLoughlin and together, the two established the first Washington timber mill (Ficken 1987). The mill, which began operation in 1828, was charged with the responsibility of supplying timber up and down the southern coast of the United States and where ever markets were deemed profitable. This venture enabled the company to cover expenses throughout the remainder of the year and according to Simpson, â€Å"†¦yielded quite a handsome profit† (Ficken 1987). The mighty Columbia had proven useful in transporting logs to the port in the Puget Sound. The successful Fort Vancouver sawmill constituted the only timber exploitation resource in the Pacific Northwest for over a decade. As the industry became more and more profitable, the inevitable happened, and the Americans came to the Northwest. II. The potential of Seattle is realized: In 1851, Arthur Denny and a small crew built small log shelters on the beach of Elliot Bay. As Denny and his party recognized the availability of timber in the region, they moved camp to the more protected eastern shores of the bay to erect facilities to process the lumber they would soon be harvesting (Ficken 1987). As they laid out their settlement, they called their village Duwamps (later to be know as Seattle). The industry grew and soon mills were showing up all over the coast of Washington.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Call of the Wild

Zach Maes English 2 8-30-2011 Call of the Wild 1. Some readers see the hardships and suffering of the dogs in the sled team as symbolic of workers in a Capitalistic system. Identify and explain these similarities. â€Å"He had killed man, the noblest game of all, and he had killed in the face of the law, of club and fang† (ch. 7) Capitalism is an economic system in which the workers only are paid enough to eat and survive. The dogs in the sled team have to work hard and are only fed enough to survive.The workers in the Capitalistic system are treated the same as the dogs, in which they are given the bare minimum to live, and only to live, they do not receive enough money to do more then eat. The sled dogs have to work hard like the workers, and are rewarded with food. They relate because the bare minimum is given whether it is the sled dogs or the Capitalistic workers. 2. Trace Buck’s development from a â€Å"monarch† to a working dog to a â€Å"free† dog. Specifically, how is Buck’s transitional experience a â€Å"Call of the Wild†? Consider such quotes as Pete’s: â€Å"When he was made, the mold was broke. † â€Å"His eyes turned bloodshot, and he was metamorphosed into a raging fiend. So changed was he that the judge himself would not have recognized him† (Ch. 1) Buck starts the novel as a ruler of his household. His experience becomes a â€Å"Call of the Wild† because he is an animal and that is where he naturally came from.He goes through several stages of life from living in a royal palace to working hard pulling a sled for the Canadian Government. And then to falling in love with someone that he belongs with, and then getting it all ripped away from him again. He was bred to fight, and bred to be a leader and to be alone in the wilderness, and to conquer the wilderness and to answer the â€Å"Call of the Wild†. 3. Compare Buck at the beginning of his journey with Buck at the end of his journey. What are the changes and what causes them?Would you call him a hero? Why or why not? What is the most valuable lesson learned? â€Å"He was older than the days he had seen and the breaths he had drawn. He linked the past with the present, and the eternity behind him throbbed through him in a mighty rhythm to which he swayed as the tides and seasons swayed. † (Ch. 6) At the beginning of Bucks journey he didn’t know a lot about himself, but as his journey continued he slowly began to learn more about himself, like how much pain he could handle, and how much fight he had.He learned that he could withstand anything, and he learned a lot more about himself then he could of he spent the rest of his life at the Judge’s house. He learned that he could live by himself in the wild and that he needed to kill and he needed to eat fresh meat to live. Living in the wild was what he was made to do, it was in his blood, passed down from generation to generation from his parents, and all that was needed was to be introduced to the wild, and when given that opportunity he flourished. ? London, Jack (1903). The Call of the Wild.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

China Coin and Rabbit Proof

hina Coin and Rabbit Proof Fence Acceptance and understanding of ones get individuality are necessity for a sense of be. In order to feel a sense of inclusion in society, Individuals must have a deep understanding of their own identity. Without an acceptance of their close and belief, Individuals bath face a sense of exclusion from society. In the novel, The chinaware Coin by Allan Baillie, Leah the protagonist refuses to accept her true identity which results in her not feeling a sense of belonging in society. This is contrasted in the film, Rabbit Proof Fence by Phillip Noyce, in which the protagonist, Molly has a deep understanding of her own/existing Aboriginal culture which assists in her overcoming all barriers and conclusion the place returning to the place where she feels comfortable in. A In The chinaware Coin Leah, the protagonist has accepted her Chinese heritage after several(prenominal) refusals and denials. At the start of the journey, Leah refused to believe in and accept her Chinese Heritage. In the plane, Leah refuses to believe that she was coming shell because she had never been to chinaware before. Leahs acknowledgment of her father, David Waters being English, forced her into thinking that she had no connection with China despite the fact that her generate was Chinese. It is limpid through the internal monologue of Leah when the air hostess welcomes her home but Leah thinks to herself couldnt the woman see? She was not an ABC- Australian born(p) Chinese. Her feeling towards China and the intentions for coming to China are conveyed through another internal monologue by Leah, No, she wasnt leaving home. She was just ducking into a strange and probably unfriendly country to finish what Dad had startedaâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦ She only related and employ this journey to her Father but failed to understand the connection her mother had with China. A In Rabbit Proof Fence Mollys rich and deep understanding of her culture and identity helped her overcome all barriers provided against her by the white society†¦. If you necessitate to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper. com

Brain Cells Function

Speaking to your right foot will not make it stop wiggling. Asking your left arm to bend and scratch your back will not make it follow either no matter how loudly a person asks. However, right feet do stop wiggling and left arms can be made to scratch backs if one thinks and wants the limbs to stop or start moving. This is because people’s movements are not voice-activated but rather are controlled by commands coming from a person’s brain. The brain is the center or meeting place of the human nervous system. Kids Biology described the nervous system as the main power cable of the body.Through it, the brain is able to receive and send messages to all the other body parts. It can command the hand to perform certain movements while senses can tell the brain about the person’s environment and its effects on the person, such as feelings of pain and heat. Basically, the nervous system is like a built-in telephone inside the body which the brain and the rest of the body can use to tell one another what the body should do or not do. According to Kids Biology, the messages sent are in the form of electricity, similar to the email or the internet, only much, much faster.The things pushing along this electricity inside people’s bodies are called neurons. Brain Cell Online explained that neurons are one of the two kinds of cells, the tiny human particles found in the brain. The other one is the glial cell. According to Brain Cell Online, there are more than 100 billion neurons in the brain. However, there are much more glial cells as they account for 90 percent of the brain’s overall cell count. Glial cells act as the support for the neurons which, as mentioned above, are the cells responsible for passing on the messages between the brain and body in the nervous system.Neurons are not limited in the brain region alone; rather, they are found throughout the nervous system. Brain Cell Online credits neurons with storing and processing infor mation from the brain before sending the information to the right receivers, and vice versa. To perform these multiple responsibilities successfully, neurons are equipped with two special projections or cell endings called dendrites and axons. Chudler distinguishes the two as such: Dendrites bring or push nerve information to the cell body, while axons pull or take them away and pass to another cell.Thus, neurons are like chains of information; passing nerve information from one neuron to another until it reaches the brain or the designated body part. According to Chudler, the information being transferred is in the form of chemicals called neurotransmitters, which flow in and pass through neurons by small gaps called the synapse. The opening allows chemicals to move through electrons so as to make the connections for information chains possible. Chudler further explains that a synapse is composed of three parts: a presynaptic end, a postsynaptic end, and the synaptic cleft which is basically the middle part between the ends.Presynaptic ends are neurotransmitter terminals while postsynaptic ends are neurotransmitter receptor sites. An electrical impulse triggers the release of the neurotransmitters into the cleft until it finally reaches the postsynaptic end where they bind themselves with the receptor site. Chudler writes that this binding can alter cell’s excitability that is increasing or decreasing its potential to hype or intensify the cells’ actions and speed up the transmission of the messages or information being passed.Bain cells are obviously important in people’s experience of the environment. As such, problems with the functions and capabilities of one’s nervous system and all its components such as the neurons have turned into the most difficult and incurable diseases like Alzheimer’s syndrome, stroke, and epilepsy. Fortunately, there are studies evidencing the existence of the concept called neurogenesis. Accord ing to the Society of Neuroscience, neurogenesis refers to the human capability of producing new neurons which can integrate themselves to the working brain (1).This phenomenon suggests the exciting possibility of a self-healing brain—one that keeps one from forgetting and treats brain disorders. Everyone is dependent on having a fully-functioning nervous system, from the brain to the senses and to the tiny microscopic neurons for their daily living. It may be difficult to imagine, but people are able to move their bodies and remember people, objects, and events through complex and lighting-fast information transfer inside our bodies’ tiny cells. Works Cited Brain Cell. Brain Cell.2007. 16 March 2009 . Chudler, Eric. â€Å"The Synapse. † Neuroscience for Kids. University of Washington Engineered Biomaterials. 2009. 16 March 2009 . Kids Biology. Nervous System. 2009. 16 March 2009 . Society for Neuroscience. â€Å"Adult Neurogenesis. † Brain Briefings. Jun e 2007. 16 March 2009 .

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Business ethics - Essay Example â€Å"It is often said that deontologists unlike consequentialists believe that there are certain acts that are wrong in themselves† (Lippert-Rasmussen, 2010: p15). In other words, deontology indicates that there are things that are inherently right and things that are inherently wrong. One does not need to question why they are so. One must just do it because that is the right thing to do. There are no debates about it. Thus, a distinction is made between deontology and consequentialist philosophy on the grounds that consequentialists mainly examine the bigger picture of the results of a given activity or process. Hence, they evaluate the consequences and the impact of a given activity or process. However, deontology differs significantly because it supports the position that things are inherently either bad or good. And a person must choose one and not question it. Basford and Selvin commented in deontology and stated that â€Å"... they are ethics of duty and principle as they relate to what is intrinsically good, they are often seen as encompassing virtue ethics† (2012, p215). This implies that deontology supports the idea that doing what is right is a duty. And it is inherently so because some higher power or authority requires what is write in a strict and prescribed format. Hence, there is no room for negotiation and compromise. Deontology forms a class of absolute ethics – and it must be done irrespective of the circumstances or the situation at hand (Kelly and Magill, 2009). People must do what is required and prescribed and there is no need to examine or factor in the consequences of the action. If it is right, it must be done. If it is wrong, it must not be done. This is a form of ethic based on moral obligation and it is determined by principles and ideas (Hitchcock et al, 2012). Teleological ethics on the other hand, are consequentialist ethics that are based on the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Legal implications of adverse utilization review determinations by Essay

Legal implications of adverse utilization review determinations by health insurance companies - Essay Example Adverse utilization review determination is an important consideration in health related issues for the people of the United States of America.Health insurance companies of America deal this issue and help people obtaining their health insurance benefits..It is necessary to add that adverse determination of medical necessity is experimental or investigational in nature. The necessity of health insurance companies as well as the adverse utilization review by them is getting momentum position in the recent days."The Department of Insurance (Department) is required to establish and maintain a process for annual certification of independent review organizations and to maintain a list of certified independent review organizations to be used by HMOs.""The insurance department has certified a number of Independent Review Organizations to conduct the reviews. Again, the department has also filed a proposed interim rule regarding external review which was supposed to be effective immediately (Rogers, 2000)ii".States have undertaken efforts to frame legislative instruments and give them into effect with a view to affording people the benefits of health insurance. The state of Indiana has established and long been maintaining an external grievance procedure for resolving the resolution of grievances regarding adverse utilization review determinations. In 2000, the New Hampshire legislature passed a legislation empowering the establishment of an independent external consumer appeal process to review adverse utilization review determinations which are supposed to.... are needed to be clarified. It will also help in drawing a better assessment on this intended paper. Final adverse determination indicates the meaning that an adverse determination has been upheld by a utilization review agent in regard to the issue of a health care service following a standard appeal, or corresponds to a matter where section 4904 of the insurance law is applicable. More categorically speaking, Adverse determination means a sort of determination by health carrier or its designee utilization review entity which meant a requested admission, availability of care, continuous stay or other health care service, as well as supply of drugs which is covered under the terms of the covered person's health benefit plan. Utilization review includes a set of formal techniques designed to monitor the use of or evaluate the clinical necessity, its effectiveness, health care services, health care procedures etc. Material affiliation means where there is a substantial relationship bet ween physician-patient relationships, partnership relationship or employment relationship. Clinical peer reviewer includes the persons who have deserving competences to conduct their activities in medical profession or equal to those of carriers of health care services. Retrospective adverse utilization means the consideration of the claim of health service when the medical treatment has already been taken and whether the treatment should be on continuous stay. Medical Necessity Undeniably, as the companies as well as the HMOs pay claims based upon the concept of The insurance companies consider the claims if people attempt to get pre-certification where a proposed health treatment is to be taken by the patients or insurer of

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Leadership Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership Style - Essay Example In transformational leadership, one individual take control and make the group reach to its collective goals. In transformational leadership, leader creates a shared vision and all those who follow him succeed in the context of achieving long-term objectives. There are four different components of transformational leadership. In this style of leadership, leader motivates each individual follower to perform up to his potential. He councils each follower, provide guidelines and monitor his performances. Leader communicates openly in this style and share ideas freely with the followers. It is obvious that bringing a turnaround in the company, motivating people becoming a role model for followers are source of the prominent benefits of transformational leadership. In addition, the convincing style of leadership, leader acting as role model and sharing a common vision are the positives upon which every organization would went to thrive. It is also a fact that every individual to different to another individual and leaders care for individual also helps a great deal in guiding the organization on the path of success (McCrimmon, 2008). Most prominent example of transformational leadership is of Sam Walton, who uses to visit all Wal-Mart stores across the United Sates and meet all the associates and executives of the company. He always encourages managers and professional to share their ideas in an open and frank manner. Apart from sharing the ideas, he always praised them and appreciated them for the good work they were producing. One can positively conclude that effective transformational leadership results in high performance and achievement of company objectives, beyond expectations (Hall et al, 2002). However, critics have repeatedly pointed out that in transformational leadership, styles become more important than the substance. It should be the other way around substance should enjoy more value than the personality. Conclusively, the paper has discussed

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Fast media report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fast media report - Essay Example The media that was most difficult to avoid was the phone. This is because with the phone am able to access internet, emailing, text messaging, face book and tweeting. In addition, am able to stay in touch with my family members, friends, and colleagues in all corners of the planet with so much ease and at the same time manage projects with teams in different cities within the shortest time possible. Without the phone, I missed my old routine of constant checking my emails, Facebook, and texting with my friends and colleagues. I love the information sharing through the social media platforms and so life without it was very intriguing to me (Simon, 2010). Midway through the exercise, I was feeling isolated and lonely. I imagined that I already had received several calls that I could not answer. I felt the urge and need to check my emails and could only imagine the news and information I was missing in face book and other social media platforms. The dependency was sickening and sucking and I felt that I was on a deserted island where nobody cared about my well-being. The temptation to access the social media platforms kept occurring almost all the time during the eight hours. The eight hours seemed like a month to me and I could not wait to go back to my old routine of social networking, text messaging, emailing, and keeping in touch with all the people I interacted with (Simon, 2010). The media that I missed most was my phone. It was hard for me to go without listening to music that I have stored in my phone. Listening to music when am walking, studying or just doing some chores around the house helps in keeping my moods right. Lack of music forced me to interact with people, open up conversations with people I never used to interact with just to fix my moods. A background that is too quite makes it difficult for me to focus or concentrate on what am doing and

Friday, October 4, 2019

Do you think the Marketing department is the most important one within Essay

Do you think the Marketing department is the most important one within an organisation - Essay Example An efficient marketing department ensures that the company remains in top gear in wading through competition. Various factors such as brand communication, pricing, promotion and good customer relations allow businesses to maintain market share and have a competitive advantage (Palmer, 2012). In essence, competition is about taking the market share of the competitors, and thus increasing profits. Marketing department is thus tasked with reducing predatory effects from competitors. Unlike other departments in the organization, the marketing department has a direct link to the customers. Customers are the main reasons for the existence of a company. In this regard, the marketing department should maintain the delicate balance between external forces and the customers. Customers are maintained through effective after sales services, excellent relationship centers, and loyalty programs. The above discussion shows that marketing plays a crucial role in an organization. As noted, the marketing department is concerned with beating competition and maintaining market share. Further, the department ensures customer retention through offers and quality services. Rational organizations try to maximize profits thus customers must be impressed by the marketing

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

Of Mice and Men Essay In the book â€Å"Of Mice and Men† by John Steinbeck, the characters felt considerable loneliness, even around other people. They feel left out, ignored, and even invisible with no one to talk concerning his own thoughts. Although a person is surrounded by others, feelings of loneliness can occur. For instance, in â€Å"Of Mice and Men† the characters ignored by other people at the farm felt lonely. One character who expressed her loneliness was Curley’s wife. At one point she said to Lennie, â€Å"I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely†¦ I can’t talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad. † (Steinbeck 86) She expressed to Lennie how she is ignored and lonely. On the contrary, if a person were surrounded by friends then he would not feel lonely. A good example of this would be George and Lennie. The two men were close friends and were not lonely as they stuck together no matter what might happen. Although there were other characters in â€Å"Of Mice and Men who were lonely, if they reached out to those around them, the profound loneliness felt would disappear. On the other hand, many workers during this time period often go from one job to another to survive. Many people who lived at this time had little chance to have a asting friendship and became lonely as a result. In the book, George lost his friend Lennie would be lonely how without a friend. Another character, Crooks was an lonely person, but his loneliness was due to his race. In the end, many of the characters wanted companionship though sadly most ended up alone. All in all, in â€Å"Of Mice and Men† many characters felt loneliness in their daily lives even with other people around them. In fact a person who can be surrounded by others and have strong feelings of loneliness. In life if someone is lonely and seeking friendship he should reach out to others so as to remove the loneliness one may feel.

Strategic Management in FedEx in response to Competition

Strategic Management in FedEx in response to Competition History of air carriers as given by Coyle et al attributes the use of airplanes for mail transport as the starting point of the airline industry (Coyle et al, 2006:158). From mail transport air transportation moved to passenger, transport where the industry has all through established its dominance especially when it comes to transporting passengers over long distances in very short periods of time. The services offered by for-hire carriers can be classified into all-cargo, air taxi, commuter, charter and international services (Coyle et al, 2006:159). All-cargo carriers such as FedEx and UPS airlines are primarily concerned with the transportation of cargo. Federal Express Corporation, which is a cargo airline, is based at Memphis in the United States of America. Federal Express Corporation also known as FedEx is the largest airline globally with regard to freight tons but in terms of fleet size, it is the worlds second largest airline (Zhang, 2006:98). The corporation provides direction and financial reporting for a number of companies, which collectively compete under the Federal Express name globally. The companies include FedEx Ground, FedEx Express, FedEx Office, FedEx Freight, FedEx Services, FedEx Trade Networks and FedEx Custom Critical (, 2010:110). Before the Federal Express became Federal Express Corporation it was known as FedEx but it adopted the current name under which it currently operate in 1998 when it acquired Caliber System Inc. Federal Express Corporation built on its strength of express delivery service and formed more diversified company which incorporated different but related businesses (Denton, 1992:86). Federal Express Corporation is the leading firm in the transportation industry globally. The company has managed to attain its current position by incorporating what it takes to be a major player in the global market (Gp-Training, n.d.). FedEx Corporation has built superior virtual, physical and people network to shape network economy in the global scale. The following discussion will seek to conduct a strategic management analysis of FedEx based on two models; Porters five forces model and the SWOT analysis. The two models have been selected based on the reason that they provide a step-by-step analysis of an organization. They are objective and can enable a planner or strategic manager to make accurate predictions of a business or project. Further, they greatly assist in prior determinations before capital investments are made, for instance, they greatly assist in determining whether the goals and objectives of a particular business are attainable. SWOT Analysis and five forces model of Federal Express Corporation Introduction SWOT analysis refers to an evaluation technique deployed in determining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and techniques in a business venture. On the other hand, Michael Porter established a structure that models a business as being influenced by five main forces. This model is very important and can be used by industries to understand their operations better. According to Overbeck (2009:126) porters five forces, which is a model for industry analysis, include rivalry, threats of substitutes, Buyer power, Supplier power and Barriers to entry or threat of entry (McGrew Wilson, 1982:75). In addition, FedEx SWOT analysis presents various opportunities as well as strengths of the company, which have made it become one of the market leaders globally. However, the company also has a number of threats and weakness that should be addressed to be able to become even more prosperous in future. Source: Hill, C. and Jones G. (2009:67). Strategic management theory. New York: Cengage Learning. Porters Five Forces model Rivalry According to Hill and Jones (2009:42), competition between rival firms according to traditional economic model drives profit to ultimately zero. However, competition is not perfect and businesses are not basic passive price takers but they strive for competitive advantage over rival firms. Application of rivalry, which is Michael porters first force to the Federal express, is evident. For instance, the corporation was faced with threatening rivalry challenge before it occupied the current position in the industry. For instance, the entry of competitors in their market. UPS in particular, posed a major threat. The company was ready to spend enormous sums of money in market penetration. For example, it invested in a thirty million dollar ad for purposes of competing with FedEx. Another challenge facing FedEx is the progressive developments in technology which act as substitutes to transnight mail delivery, for example, fax and emails. The entry of UPS into the market posed a severe thr eat to FedEx, serious enough to cause Pauline and Farhoomand (2000:88), to report that the transportation volume of FedEx was going down. FedEx Corporation responded to the threat of rivalry that threatened its progress and in January 2000, it resorted to reorganize the company into groups operation by doing business with the whole FedEx family. According to Hill and Jones (2009:42) it is important to reconsider strategy in order to compete effectively in the market. The theory of Porters five forces model state that such action should only be taken after understanding the structures of the industry (Goodwin, 2001:178). The resolution was that the five subsidiary companies and FedEx corporation was to compete collectively but to function independently, a strategy that boosted their pursuit for an advantage in the industry. This is in accordance with the strategic management theory and the model of Porters five forces, which further advocates the scrutiny of competitive forces in the market before identifying threats and opportunities as well as coming with a suitable strategy (Hill Jones, 2009:201). Another strategy that FedEx Corporation used was improving product differentiation by embracing innovation and offering high quality products and services to customers. According to (Goodwin, 2000:67), FedEx Corporation pooled its marketing, sales and customer service function that enable customers to access services of the group at a single point. The reorganization cost FedEx Corporation 100 million USD in a span of three years, but the end justified the means. These measures retained FedEx in the market, but did not frustrate UPS which in a number of years has managed to scoop its fair share of the market. Today, FedEx has grown into a multi- billion corporation owning various companies namely the FedEx corporation, FedEx Ground, FedEx Express , FedEx Freight, FedEx custom critical, FedEx Trade Networks and FedEx Kinkos . On the other hand, UPS has grown to the largest package delivery company on the globe owning companies like; UPS Mail Innovations, UPS Air Cargo, UPS Capital Corporation, UPS Consulting, UPS Aviation Technologies, UPS Mail Boxes Among Others. Threat of Substitutes A substitute product in Porters model is a product in other industries which could be deployed as an alternative to another product from a different industry. The threat of substitutes according to the five forces theory therefore exists when the demand of a product is affected by change in price of a substitute product (Overbeck, 2009:56). The same way the price elasticity of a product is affected by same substitute products hence when more substitutes become available, it influence demand, which becomes more elastic because customers have more alternatives. Competition can be endangered by threat of substitutes when they come from outside industry. Strategic management theory and five forces theory according to Hill and Jones (2009:53) assert that existence of very close substitutes poses a strong threat in the market and leads to reduced profitability. To deal with such a challenge the two theories support the idea of diversifying a companys products and service as FedEx did (Hill Jones, 2009:53-54). FedEx embraced technology and innovation, which enhanced reliability and speed of deliveries in the firm. The company adopted next day delivery services, which completely revolutionized the industry. This made it preferable to many customers because it became reliable and convenient. Perishable commodities could reach their intended destination with appropriate time, which consequently reduced competition among its rivals. According to Overbeck (2009:45), FedEx Corporation Company under the leadership of Smith pioneered a number of technological breakthrough that propelled the firm above all others. For instance, over 100000 PCs loaded with Federal Express software made to log and link customers into tracking and ordering systems were introduced in FedEx. Federal Express also, became the first to issue their drivers with handle scanners, a device that alerted customers when packages were either delivered or picked up. According to Pauline and Farhoomand (2000:113), Federal Express Co rporation was the first to launch a website with tracking and tracing capabilities. Such strategies helped the company to grow without feeling the pinch of the threat of substitutes. Buyer Power This is the impact that customers (buyers) have on a producing industry. According to Overbeck (2009:89), there are factors that determine the buyer power. Federal Express Corporation has been shaped by the buyer power especially corporate buyers who have enormous bargaining power resulting from the large amounts of purchases they make. Buyer power is also influenced by the switching costs. It is a fact that buyers power greatly influences FedEx. For example, it gained a huge share of the catalogue business because it was able to offer buyers lower prices as compared to UPS. The company has always tried to expand with the demand of its customers (Overbeck, 2009:89). FedEx Company has used information technology that has been quite significant in the globalization of trade, effective and efficient sharing of information within and outside the company, improved customer service and reduced costs of services offered by the company. As a result, the buyer power is skewed towards Federal Express Corporation because it provides the services that the buyer demands. According to five forces theory and strategic management theory, buyer power is a very significant consideration in designing business strategy (Hill Jones, 2009:50-52). On the other hand, buyer power also constrains FedEx in some ways. The delivery has nominal switching costs such that when a customer is not satisfied, they can easily switch to the competitors services. For instance, when UPS made its entry into the market, offering its services at half the price offered by FedEx, many of its customers disregarded the switching costs and moved to UPS. Supplier Power Supplier power illustrates the ease with which suppliers can determine prices. Supplier power id determined by the number of suppliers available in an industry, the distinctiveness of their services or products their influence over a company. The more supplier options open to a company, the less the likelihood of high supplier power. According to Hill and Jones (2009:52), a powerful supply has the ability to influence the producing industry. According to five forces theory and strategic management theory, suppliers can easily determine the future and progress of a firm and so can the third parties (Hill Jones, 2009:53). While other rival companies in the industry were sub-contracting their shipment to third parties and buying space on commercial airlines, Federal Express Corporation tried to acquire its own transportation fleet and in the tenth year, it became the first company in the United States to achieve 1 billion USD revenue mark in ten years without corporate mergers and acquisitions. According to Farhoomand and Pauline (2000), Federal Express Corporation does not have external factors that influence its internal decision and operation and has been able to advance greatly in the industry this is because Federal Express Corporation has limited influence of buyer power. Barriers to Entry/ Threat of Entry Hill and Jones (2009:43) argue that industries possess some characteristics, which protect the lofty levels of profit of firms in the market, which prevent additional firms from entering the market. It is this inhibition of additional rivals in the market, which is termed as barriers to entry. According to Strategic management and five forces theories, barriers to entry reduce rate of entry of new businesses, which therefore maintains the high level of profit for those firms that are already in the industry (Hill Jones, 2009:87). The sources of such barriers include government created barriers, Asset specificity, patents and proprietary knowledge and organizational economies of scale. Federal Express is already in the industry and dominating the industry already (Farhoomand Pauline, 2000:79). Therefore, it is not faced with any barrier to entry into the industry. FedEx and the other delivery companies already in the market like UPS are the cause of the barriers. They have large brand name as well as established relations with foreign countries. Smaller companies will have an almost impossible task of penetrating the market because of the large capital requirements. With little capital, it will be impossible to offer competitive prices. Further, reaching the standards set by the market giants is an uphill task. Federal Express SWOT Analysis FedEx SWOT analysis presents how the company has been able to use information technology in defining its strategies (Quality-Assurance-Solution, n.d.). Information technology apart from improving the performance has made it possible for the company reaches new associates or groups of people. SWOT analysis of FedEx Company involves analyzing strength, weaknesses, opportunities as well as the threats of the company in accordance with the SWOT analysis theory (Burger, 2008:12) Strengths of FedEx SWOT analysis theory according to Burger (2008:13) is very instrumental in helping companies identify internal and external attributes and factor, which affect the companies resource capability. According to the theory, internal attributes are strengths and weaknesses while external attributes are opportunities and threats (Burger, 2008:13). FedEx strengths in the transport industry include ; Efficient service delivery to customers. The company gives the needs of customers first priority. This has instilled customers with confidence in the company, thereby making it quite preferable among many people in the global market. In addition, Grignard (1994) argues that the strength of the company is the ability to offer express mail services, which ensures that mails are delivered overnight. This has made the company to outdo many major players in the industry such as United States Postal Service in terms of service delivery as well as customer service. According SWOT analysis theory such strength is very crucial in making FedEx realize its objectives (Burger, 2008:13). FedEx Company also has a very strong brand name, which gives it its place in the global market. FedEx is known for its innovativeness. It has proved time and over that it is capable of initiating great ideas that totally change the market. For example, the purchase of their own airplanes and ships instead of hiring. This boosts a customers confidence in the company as they are guaranteed that third parties are not a party to the delivery of their parcels. Further, FedEx is known as a market leader. Its known for its use of advanced technology and effective communications systems in all its operations. Its a recognized worldwide transportation company and its also known for its ability to take in smaller companies to expand its needs. Above all, its greatest strength is its brand name and the goodwill or reputation attached to it. Weaknesses SWOT theory according to Burger (2008:12) states that weaknesses are some of the internal conditions, which prevent companies from achieving their objectives. For instance, the dispute between the company and its pilots is an internal crack which could damage its reputation